Twelve Benefits from Eating SATURATED Animal Fat

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Is saturated fat healthy? In the past, the answer to this question was somewhat negative, and most doctors advised you to stay away from saturated fat. Below, we discuss the benefits of saturated fat based on current information.

Top benefits of saturated fat:

1. You can get all of your fat-soluble nutrients from saturated fat

2. Saturated fat helps support the immune system

3. Saturated fat can help support child development

4. Saturated fat helps support healthy, vibrant skin and hair

5. Saturated fat helps support the brain

6. Saturated fat helps you produce and release bile salts

7. Saturated fat supports calcium absorption

8. Saturated fat helps you feel satisfied, so you can fast longer

9. Saturated fat is needed to make hormones

10. Saturated fat helps supports your mood

11. Saturated fat helps support healthy bones

12. Saturated fat promotes a healthy gut

Ketonia dietitian expert

The dietary advice to minimize intake of saturated fatty acids (SFA) without considering specific fatty acids and food sources is not aligned with the [۱] خطای یادکرد: برچسب تمام‌کنندهٔ </ref> برای برچسب <ref> پیدا نشد.

Furthermore, Based on several decades of experience, a focus on total SFAs has unintendedly guided governments, consumers, and industry toward foods low in SFAs but rich in refined starch and sugar that cause many major health problems. Recent studies strongly support the conclusion that the healthfulness of fats is not a simple function of their SFA content but rather a result of the various components in the food, often referred to as the "food matrix."[۲]

So all guidelines should consider the types of fatty acids and, more importantly, the diverse foods containing SFAs, which may possess harmful, neutral, or beneficial effects concerning significant health outcomes.

Ramin Taghizadeh



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